Over 25 years ago, Kirk and Roberta Polson shared a vision for a Centerpiece in Clayton. So they joined forces with Clayton Community Library founders Jeanne Boyd and Joyce Atkinson, many dedicated community supporters and the American Association of University Women to bring Clayton Community Library from mere concept to becoming the hub of the Clayton community.
The Polsons are proud members of the Clayton Community Library Foundation. They value the energy and interest that the Library has had since its inception. Kirk and Roberta have long been supporters of education. Kirk’s Mom owned a bookstore, they both actively support their alma maters and the Polson’s have an extensive library in their home. They see the Clayton Community Library as key in fostering education for all ages. When Kirk visits the Library, he is always reminded of the valuable asset it provides the community. He sees so many children of different ages taking advantage of the programs, reading favorite stories, checking out lots of books or being tutored after school. Many of the programs are also for adults such as book discussions with featured authors or the twice-yearly book sale. The Polsons extensively use the audio books found at CCL. As travelers by car, the Polsons can continue their quest for education while on the road.
As Kirk notes, the Clayton Community Library is built on the foundation of volunteers and was the first library in Contra Costa County where volunteers were engaged to do a wide variety of work. Kirk recognizes this as one of the reasons for the “energy” that has existed throughout the years and is unique to other libraries in the system. Clayton Community Library volunteers bring expertise and support to the Library’s many services and mirror the welcoming environment created by the Library staff.
Kirk sees a library filled with kids and adults from the community taking part in this vital asset for education, comradery and to experience the intrigue of a great novel. This is the reason why the Polsons are members of the Clayton Community Library Foundation. Thank you so much Kirk and Roberta for your support to keep this Clayton centerpiece continuing to grow for many years to come. For more information on becoming a friend of the Clayton Community Library Foundation go to www.claytonlibrary.org